1. “Hide/Seek” and “Approaching Ecstasy”

    “Hide/Seek” and “Approaching Ecstasy”, both more than the sum of their parts exploring gay emergence and creativity in the past and present give us poetry and inspiration.

  2. A Visit to Maquiladoras in Tijuana

    Visiting maquiladoras in East Tijuana in April 2012, with an expert guide gave me a whole new perspective.

  3. Lake Atitlan, Chichicastenango, and Antigua: Dreams and Realities

    Lake Atitlan: Dreams and Realities A paradise for some, a struggle for others.

  4. Tikal A Few Thoughts by a Non Specialist

    Tikal The greatest mesoamerican site is still deep in the jungle. The elites who built these monuments are lost in the mists of history, but the wildlife and birds continue to thrive there.

  5. My May 1st

    May 1 Seattle creativity, resistance, and hope echo our current world